links to related sites
The Internet Movie Data Base has a complete listing of film, television, and voice performances. The professional parts of the written biography, as of September 2017, do not include anything about Aaron's move to television after 2007's Traveler. You will be asked to register to access certain parts of the site.
Wikipedia article
Wikipedia's article on Aaron Stanford is concise, clear, and accurate as of September 2017.
For each film and some TV shows, Rotten Tomatoes collects reviews from many sources to produce, if not a critical consensus, at least an indication of what reviewers think. Most entries include a trailer and links to current viewing options. Below are specific links within the site to films and recent TV series in which Aaron Stanford appears in a major role.
Metacritic, another reviews aggregator, includes television shows in its presentation. It produces a critic's score and a "user" (viewers') score to indicate the perceived quality of each show. You can read the full texts of critics' and users' comments. Below are specific links within the site to TV series in which Aaron Stanford appears as part of the regular cast.